The Children of Oakrise and the Great Lantern Festival

Blessed Martinmas! For those celebrating, here is a tale to enjoy!   The Children of Oakrise and the Great Lantern Festival By Amber Hellewell   A very long time ago, in a small village called Oakrise, there lived a small, but hearty people. Although they were no larger than the doves and chickadees, they were [...]

Preparing for Candlemas

Before I moved to rural Michigan, the darkness and length of winter were alleviated by the lights and activity of the big city. We celebrated Candlemas with candle dipping and crafting and singing, and it was lovely. It was a sweet tradition, but I didn’t really understand why it had been observed for centuries. Our [...]

What St. Lucia Means to Me

This post originally appeared at Happy Hedgehog Post. Winter memories…The sounds of Swedish folk music playing in the background, gingerbread cookies from my Great-grandmother’s recipe, smells of cinnamon, evergreen and lingonberry sauce.  I can close my eyes and vividly recall sitting on my Grandpa’s lazy boy, curled up in a blanket, dreamily watching their golden [...]